Bible Study Theology

1 Peter 3:7 Understanding the “weaker vessel”

What does Peter mean by referring to the woman as the “weaker vessel”? As I thought about this, the first question I asked myself was, “In what way are women weaker than men?” In order to make sense of Peter’s comment, we have to answer that question. It is undeniable that Peter is saying that the woman is in some way weaker. Rather than be offended by this or to reject the word of God outright, we have to come to grips that the Holy Spirit is really saying that the woman is weaker.

Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.
(1 Peter 3:7 ESV)

What does Peter mean by referring to the woman as the “weaker vessel”? As I thought about this, the first question I asked myself was, “In what way are women weaker than men?” In order to make sense of Peter’s comment, we have to answer that question. It is undeniable that Peter is saying that the woman is in some way weaker. Rather than be offended by this or to reject the word of God outright, we have to come to grips that the Holy Spirit is really saying that the woman is weaker.

Sometimes when we react against something we read in the Bible, it is due to our own hardness of heart and unwillingness to submit our thoughts to the infinite wisdom of God. (see Francis Chan’s excellent thoughts on this here) Other times, what we are reacting against is a misinterpretation of what the Word is actually saying and we end up mad at God over something he never said in the first place.

I think Peter’s words here can easily fall into this second category. When we hear Peter say that the woman is weaker, we hear, “not as valuable” or “not as capable”. But is this really what God is saying to us in this verse? It’s interesting that the verse also includes a very strong statement of equality, “they are heirs with you of the grace of life.”

As I thought through what this verse could possibly mean, the first and most obvious possibility that came to mind is that Peter is referring to physical weakness. It is pretty much undeniable that in general men are stronger than women.

This does not mean that men are more valuable than women or that men are somehow superior to women. It simply means that the male/female relationship is impacted by the fact that men are stronger physically. Because of the fallenness of the human race, this strength differential, combined with a sinful distortion of the male/female role differences that God himself ordained, has led men to dominate women in sinful ways to the extent that we cannot even talk today about male headship or male authority without all kinds of misunderstandings of what the exercise of that headship looks like.

While many men would never dream of using their physical strength differential (or even the threat of it) to dominate the women in their lives, we still tend to operate from a sinful sense of superiority over women, and while we may not dominate them physically, we do hold on to sinful understandings of the male/female relationship that cause us to assert our own wills over the will of the women in our lives.

So what Peter is challenging us as husbands to do in honoring our wives as the weaker vessel is to refuse this sinful exercise of the strength prerogative in our relationships with our wives. Because my wife is weaker than me physically, I could force her to do my will, but rather than do that, Scripture commands me to honor her as a joint-heir of the grace of life.

You might think by this point in the post that I am arguing what theologians call the “egalitarian position” in male/female relationships. Actually I would consider myself to be firmly in the camp of the “complementarians” because I believe that Scripture clearly presents that there are different roles that God has designed for men and women. I also affirm that the Scripture clearly teaches that men are designed by God to be in authority over women. But I believe that much of the controversy that swirls around this question stems from an unbiblical, fallen understanding of authority.

The previous verse, 1 Peter 3:6, states with approval that “Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord.” This is obviously a clear reference to male authority.

What I am arguing for from verse 7 is that we as men in authority honor our wives, treating them as the helpers that God designed them to be, understanding that we are incomplete without them, and that God has the same eternal inheritance reserved for them that he has for us.

By Bryan Jay

My name is Bryan Jay and I have been teaching the Bible full-time for almost 30 years now. In 1992, I began pastoring a new church in Asheville, North Carolina, and in 1997, I moved with my family to Brazil where we lived and served for many years. Since that time, we have moved on to other places, continuing to teach the Word of God.

14 replies on “1 Peter 3:7 Understanding the “weaker vessel””

I agree, and am perfectly willing to see myself as the weaker vessel in this way. My husband protects me, discusses my concerns and even crazy ideas with me, and I feel very cherished and valued. I have learned to be content under his care. Of course I'm blessed with an amazing husband, and I know that not all women are. But then, that proves your point also. Godly husbands will never lord it over their women, even if we do "call him lord." : )

I definitely see my self as the weaker vessel in the manner of my husband being stronger in physical strength. My Honey assist me in a gentle kind caring way with anything he sees I need him to do or ask him to do. I appreciate him protecting, caring and listening to me. He has a very “sweet” pleasant, and patient attitude. He says “I am the Only girl in his world” and I believe him because I would rather see a sermon any day than to hear one. I am truly blessed and I THANK God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit for putting him (my Honey) in my life.

I agree with this and I also think that the verse might also be trying to tell us that at times woman are like kids who must be taught everyday and corrected with the mistakes they make in their relationships. When they tend to make mistakes they are one species that will grow from them and make sure they don’t happen again. So I’m trying to say that their partners are then needed to be their backbone when such happens instead of repeatedly rubbing the wrongs they made as if they were intentional. It only makes sense that we guide one another throughout relationships and that way I think more Christian marriages will last

“I also think that the verse might also be trying to tell us that at times woman are like kids who must be taught everyday and corrected with the mistakes they make in their relationships”

I could say the same thing about the vast majority of the men I know – for that reason alone, it doesn’t fit the verse. However, women are physically weaker than men due to hormonal differences – and it is clear that this is what the verse is referring to.

I also think that women are like kids they need to be teach everyday in relationship.they are weaker in the way that, they stress themselves, and the same way performing house duties.I also agree very comments that has been given above but talking of strength (I have seen a woman that beating his husband) but not that strength, the bible used men as the head of the family because men can face difficulties yes some are weaker but in percentage wise my conscious tells me that men are stronger than women. And in same way my wiew thought me that because men are strong that’s why Jesus came in a form of man. If it’s happen to be a woman she won’t be for fill she is to. Husbands help your wives when their weaker as the bible says in 1Peter 3:7 says.

I agree that womwn are the weaker vessel. That is pysically weaker, and husbands need to treat their wives with honor not domination. Husbands should love their wives as Christ loves the church, their is no greater love than that. He should cherish and nourish her and sacrifice for her. Dwell with her according to knowledge, be gentle and kind. If the husband shows genuine love for his wife why wouldnt she want to submit to his authority? And wives need to respect their husband and his position of authority. God never intended for man to dominate the woman, but to compliment one another. God is a God of order, so when he set man as the head over the woman, it was the for the purpose of order in the family. Men and women are equals, but their positions are different. If we would do marriage God’s way there would be unity and harmony as God intended, representing Christ and his bride,The church.

Women as the weaker vessel is simply referring to the accepting vessel in consummation of the relationship. The man will not put his “will” upon her, but nurture and cherish her as Christ loved the church. He loved the church as a nurturing and tender way.

This biblical verse seems to be the ‘go to’ reference of many male abusers when they want their women to behave in a certain way. Aka: do everything they say, despite its disgracefulness.
Having said that, I do agree with the interpretation stated here. It’s an undeniable fact that women are physically smaller, thus less strong as men. (Look at other mammalian species, ie: African lions, the male is nearly twice the females size.) It’s not a negative quality to be weaker physically than the male/man. It’s nature. The fact it’s in the bible as it is is important because men can and do use their strength against our physical weakness all the time unfortunately. ( Spousal abuse, rape.)
Why is it universally wrong to hit a woman and not vice versa? We’re weaker, we can’t do the same damage to men as they could to women. (Not condoning women’s physical violence against men, whatsoever for the record, both are very wrong. But it’s not equally as wrong for a reason. ) men cam typically stop an irate woman from hurting them, but a woman can’t do the same.
So yes, we women in a physical sense are a weaker vessel that should be treated with care.

I think it is good to understand what the words helper and authority mean. The word helper used for woman is the same word used for the Holy Spirit. He is not less than Jesus or the Father. Nor is He abused, a slave, bossed around, or forced to submit or weaker. I do agree men have a physical advantage over women because they were designed to protect.

Jesus was given all authority, how did He use that authority?-to protect, to empower, to serve, to destroy the works of the devil, to teach, to heal. He did not Lord over people or try to beat them into submission. He said, “I am here to serve and lay down my life for you.”

The Bible is clear when it says, “Husbands ought to lay down their lives for their wives as Christ has for the Church.” Jesus demonstrated what a man’s role is to be. A leader is first a servant. Jesus came and He served. When the disciples came to argue over who was the greatest, His response was, “The greatest among you is a servant.”

Jesus came and He loved (agape love-unconditional, sacrificial, pure, holy, unmerited love). All followers of Jesus are called to agape love as the Father has loved us. How does Jesus treat us-that’s how we are to treat others. He does not try to control or dominate anyone. He loves. A response to His love is to love Him back. God told men, show women how I love them.

Jesus walked in humility and purity. He treated women with respect, honor, and dignity in a culture that treated them like property.

The Father also raised up both male and female to be coheirs with Christ.

Authority is not about domination. It is about love, protection, and honor. Men were given authority in the marriage relationship, not over every woman. Why? Women were chosen to carry life. God longs to protect life. When a woman is pregnant, there are two people who need protection. God made man to stand against the attacks on the family and protect life. I have met some women who could beat up a man, yet every woman has been given the chance (well most) to give life. God longs to protect life. Men can also impose their sexual will on women more easily, which is horrible but very prominent in our culture (rape, sex trafficking): those things can lead to the creation of a life that is broken. So God says, “Protect life, protect the womb…care for your wife the way Jesus cares for the church.” He was not saying man becomes God for woman or she is to worship her husband. He was giving us a model that protects life.

There is one Lord and He is God. He said, “You shall have no other God’s before Me.” Sara’s calling Abram Lord was a sign of respect, not worship of Him as Lord. That would be idolatry. And the Bible is clear, no idolater has a place in God’s Kingdom. He is to be worshiped only and loved before anyone else, including a spouse.

Really good comments, Emma. Thanks for adding your contribution here. I agree with almost all of what you said. I would like to challenge you, however, to think through what other relevant biblical texts have to say about male leadership outside the context of marriage. You made the point that men were given authority in the marriage relationship, not over every woman. However, it is clear in the New Testament that just as the male is to take the lead in his family, so men are to step up and lead in the family of God, the church. This does not mean that every man in the church has authority over any particular woman, but rather that the pattern revealed in the family continues in the church. Also, the same pitfalls of understanding that we can fall into in the marriage relationship can likewise infect the church. Elders are to shepherd the flock and serve the body of Christ, just as Christ serves us. Leadership in the church should and must be completely different than it is in the world, but unfortunately many churches are more influenced by worldly models of leadership than by the pattern revealed in Scripture.

It is not referring to physical strength between a man and a woman or the relationship between a man and a woman, the woman is the vessel that brings life in the world through her womb.
Her chemical makeup is designed with different emotions than a man due to the changing cycle in her body every month, It leaves a woman available to influences at certain times that men can not experience or understand.

Is Satan a snake ? or was the woman sent to influence the man and breed ?

Hi John, I think your position on this can easily lead to sexism and to a sense of male superiority. While biological differences are definitely present, to say that this makes one gender weaker spiritually seems to me to be a wrong assumption. Your comment gives me the opportunity to say that I do not think that being physically weaker means “physically inferior”.

I think we should take Genesis at face value and interpret the snake as being the physical form in which Satan appeared to Adam and Eve.

One thought in addition to being physically weaker….could it also mean or be emphasizing that since we are called in submission to a man that we are in a more vulnerable place or are weaker vessels in this way? The fact that this includes don’t “fear what is frightening” seems to allude to this. We may fear being subject to a sinful man but the Lord wants us to know that He will care for us and will come again for His bride. In this way we are weaker vessels – vulnerable in position as we submit. Thoughts?

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