
Unlocking the book of Job

After the Lord had spoken these words to Job, the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite: “My anger burns against you and against your two friends, for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has. (Job 42:7)

This verse for many years was like a key that locked the meaning of this book to me, rather than unlocked it.  As a young man reading through the Bible, I remember thinking, “OK, if Job’s friends didn’t speak what is right, then I can just skip over 30 some chapters of this long book.  Why does God record all their babble if it isn’t right?”

After having read through this book many, many times throught the years, I’ve come to see it quite differently.  Everything that the friends say about God and about his dealings with men is true and can be defended from other scriptures.  Rather than dismissing their words as untrue, in this verse God is rebuking them for the same reason as he rebuked Job.  To understand God’s rebuke of the friends, it is necessary to look closely at Job’s words in Job 42:1-6 because God himself says, “you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has.”   The “right” that Job has spoken of God is what he has just said in verses 1-6, it is not a contrast of what the three friends spoke throughout the book and what Job spoke throughout the book.

Although throughout the book both Job and his friends say much that is wise and true about God and his dealings with the righteous and the unrighteous, what they say is still incomplete.  At the end of all the truth that they have stated, they still have no answers.  This is why God at the end of the book challenges Job.  He brings Job to a place of  “laying his hand on his mouth” (Job 40:3-5).  Job’s words, therefore in Job 42:1-6 are a humble repentance for thinking that he could explain the actions of God.

God’s anger burns against the three friends because they do not with Job speak this same word of humiliation and acknowledgement that God’s wisdom and purposes and actions are beyond their explanations.  Job acknowledges that he has “uttered what he did not understand”.  There is no mention that what he has said throughout the book is incorrect.  To the contrary, he says that he has spoken things “too wonderful for me, which I did not know.”  So the fault seems to be not in saying incorrect things, but in saying them in the wrong way, without a humbling experience of the presence of God whose wisdom and greatness and dealings with men go beyond comprehension and explanation.

What Job says at the beginning of verse 3 and in verse 4 is a quote of what God had said to him in Job 38:2-3, and Job 40:7  He is responding to God’s words to him by recognizing that his understanding of God previously had been without the deeper experience and manifestation of God’s majesty and glory that his suffering and God’s response to it had brought him.

Notice also in Job 42:7 that God does not say that what the three friends have said is wrong, but that they have NOT spoken what is right, and what that is, is clearly defined as that which “Job has” spoken in verses 1-6, “as my servant Job has”

Application:  Wisdom recognizes that in understanding our own suffering and helping others deal with their suffering, there is a place (a comforting place) in recognizing that we are not going to be able to explain everything that God does in our lives.  Certain experiences are opportunities for us to bow before God, recognize his greatness and trust him, as the one who orders everything for our good.

This is the purpose of the end of Job’s story.  To understand Job’s restoration as a “health and wealth” promise is to miss the point.  It is showing that God’s ultimate purpose for his children is one of blessing.  It is an “under the sun” Old Testament way of saying what Romans 8:28 makes explicit, God works everything for our good and we can trust him, even when we don’t understand what he is doing.

Bible Study Theology

Luke 24:30-45 “…their eyes were opened”

I’ve shared the gospel enough times with people who had no interest in it to need some sort of encouragement not to give up. Perhaps you can identify with that. I found some of that encouragement this morning in Luke 24 in the story of Jesus talking with two of his followers on the road to Emmaus.

Cleopas and his friend are walking to the village of Emmaus when they are unexpectedly joined by a stranger who begins to interpret to them “in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself (the Messiah).” (v. 27) It’s amazing to me that as the stranger reveals to these two such deep spiritual truths, they still don’t realize who he is!

But after arriving at Emmaus and sitting down to dinner together, Jesus takes bread and breaks it and gives it to them, and in that moment, their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.” This is what I long to see in the lives of people with whom I share the good news of all that the Scriptures reveal about Jesus the Messiah. I long to see their eyes opened so that they recognize Jesus for who he is. This is what I ask those of you who pray for our ministry to ask the Lord for. Pray that God would grant spiritual sight to those who are blind to the glory of Jesus Christ.

It is interesting that the revelation of Jesus to these two occurs in the breaking of the bread. This is most likely a reference to the Lord’s Supper, which is itself a revelation of the sacrifice for sins that Jesus made when he offered his body and his blood on the cross. It is in the declaration of that event, the Calvary event, that blinded eyes are opened.

That is not to say that everyone who hears the news of Jesus’ death and resurrection will be able to see with spiritual sight the glory of Christ. But when God in his grace opens blinded eyes and brings people to faith, he does it through the proclamation of the gospel. It’s difficult to proclaim the gospel to spiritually blind people who may not care two cents about what you are saying, but how necessary it is to be willing to open our mouths and to share the message without which no one can be saved (Acts 4:12), and trust that God will use it to save those lost sheep he has committed himself to finding (John 10:16).

This also shows us how we can pray for unbelievers: “Lord, open their eyes to see the glory of Christ the way you opened the eyes of those two in Emmaus.” Notice also that after Cleopas and his friend go to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples about what happened, Jesus appears again to them all. And verse 45 says, “he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.”

“Lord Jesus, as we are faithful to declare the gospel message to those around us, please open their minds to understand the Scriptures. Give spiritual sight that blinded sinners may see the glory of Christ.”

In verse 47, Jesus says that “repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.” Commit yourself anew to proclaiming the good news of repentance for forgiveness of sins. Commit yourself anew to pray for those who are hearing that message. Pray that God would open their eyes and their minds to understand the Scriptures and to see the glories of Jesus, our wonderful Savior. Be encouraged as you speak to and pray for the hardest of hearts. God is able to open closed minds and eyes.


Matthew 8-9 The significance of Jesus’ healing ministry

I just moved with my family a week ago to a very cold, eastern European city.  My head has been stopped up ever since I got here.  You know that sensation of feeling like your head is floating about a foot above your shoulders?  Needless to say, suffering with this head cold while going through jet-lag and culture shock all at once gave me an appreciation for the good news in Matthew 8-9 that Jesus heals.

It really is startling how important Jesus’ healing ministry figures in to the gospel accounts.  These two chapters alone recount four specific healings, two specific deliverances from demons, one raising from the dead, and the general statement that Jesus “cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick.”

What good news for those who are struggling with sickness.  I know that seeing this truth gave me confidence and faith to lay my need before the Lord Jesus and ask him to give me the health and strength that I need to adjust to my new living situation, take care of my family, begin my language studies and serve those around me in whatever way he has prepared.

But receiving physical healing alone fails to plumb the depths of all that is being revealed here about Jesus.  The reason the gospels emphasize the healing ministry of Jesus is not just that he is a source of health and well-being for this life, although he definitely is that, and it is not wrong to come to him with our physical needs as I did this morning.

Sickness and death and bondage to demonic powers are all the glaring evidence that mankind in his sin and rebellion against God is under God’s curse.  When Jesus comes on the scene in the gospels, healing all and delivering from demons and even raising the dead, God is displaying the truth that Jesus is the one who is going to remove that curse from the new humanity that God will bring into being.  This is why the gospels emphasize repeatedly that “all who came to him were healed.”  The redemption that Jesus brings is total and complete.

Matthew explains the healings in these chapters with a quotation from Isaiah 53.  This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: “He took our illnesses and bore our diseases.”  If sickness and death are the curse of God upon sin, and they are (see Genesis 2:17), then by bearing our sicknesses and diseases, Jesus bears our curse.  His healing ministry then is a pointer to the fact that he is the Redeemer who lifts the curse and brings life in place of death.

Every time we receive a physical healing in this life from the Lord Jesus, it is a specific pointer, or as John would say a “sign” of the deeper and more significant foundational truth that Jesus has redeemed us from sin’s curse.

I am so glad that I can come to Jesus and ask for physical healing, knowing that he is my Redeemer and regardless of how he chooses to answer my prayer, whether I receive the “pointer” or “sign” of physical healing or not, I can know that by his death and resurrection he has lifted the curse from me and given me eternal life.